Friday, December 5, 2008

Should It Matter?

In love, there are many trials and tribulations. There are people that will be happy for you and your love, and there are others that will condemn you. When a stranger condemns you for your soul mate, you can just pass it by and say....whatever.


When does it become too much?

Answer these questions:

1.) Are you hateful?

2.) What is your religion?

3.) Are you fearful of something that is different?

4.) Do you believe in love?

5.) Are you in love?

6.) Have you ever been in love?

7.) Do you think that Homosexuality is a disease?

8.) Is Homosexuality the same as murder?

9.) Would you demonstrate against Homosexuality at the funeral of a murdered Homosexual?

10.) Have you disliked a person just because of their sexuality?

and finally,

11.) Has the thought of "doing away" with all homosexuals ever crossed your mind?

Okay, answer me this:

From the 1870's to the late 1960's, African-Americans in America and particulary in the south, have been fighting for fair treatment and civil rights, EQUAL rights. There were people that killed blacks for the simple reason of being black. Almost 100 years.....they fought and gained their rights. Except for the "gaining their rights part" does this sound a little familiar?

Now, let me answer a few things:

Homosexuality is not a disease.
Love is love.
You do not "choose" to be gay or lebsian. It's who you are.
The way some people treat Gays and Lesbians are almost THE SAME as how some people treated African-Americans in the early 1900's, and yet, most black people are against it. Incredibly Ironic.
Christians, even though Homosexuality is a sin in the bible, you will STILL go to hell for murdering one.

Treat others the way you want to be treated? Some of you guys need to go back to elementary school for common manners. Religion says otherwise? Ah, I'm not going to get through to everyone like I want to, but for anyone this IS listening, I'm going to say one more thing:

Imagine you. You try to live your life. But, you are constantly turned down from jobs, housing, proper food service. People stay away from you. People look at you differently. People sneer, spit, curse, demean, and everything unimaginable to you. Then they kill you for not being like them. They beat your body so horrifically, cut you, shoot you, then leave your body on the side of the street, or in the river, or in a disgusting place. You can't even have a peaceful burial, they demonstrate and oppose buring you like A HUMAN, b/c they think that you are not human. You eventually get buried, but they desecrate your headstone, and sometimes, they are never caught.

Think about that before you think about gays and lesbians again.

OH! and you know what? This is all coming from a straight that's says a lot for people that only think that homosexuals are the only people that agree with equal treatment.

[[.....cough, cough.......I DO TOO!!]]

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Girl......

Hey Guys.....

Hey! Do you wanna hear something incredibly funny??

Something made me get in tune with my.....other....sexual....side.

Okay, here is the truth. I love men. Well, really the male anatomy if you wanna get real about it. I actually hate their ego-tisical-ness. But that's besides the point. I love men and I convinced myself that I would marry one and I'd live happily ever, always getting pounded in my yoni with a huge lingam.....but I did not anticipate meeting this girl. It really started when I read Zane's Purple Panties and I was panting at the end of the book. I started to rather...."test" myself out to see if I really did like girls. A few kisses, boob and butt grabs later, I found that I kinda liked it. The male anatomy was too desiring for me, I guess. Then comes the debate over whether Homosexuality is right or wrong. Okay, here is my honest opinion: In the bible, homosexuality is a sin and it's wrong. Okay, I can come to terms with that. What I don't understand is Christians that go around and HATE and HARASS and DEMEAN, and UNDERMINE homosexuals. It's such hypocrisy, it makes me dislike most christians b/c of the way most people act to them. Anyway, I'm going to continue this conversation in "Should it matter?" coming soon! lol. My family are pure homophobes. And let me say, I don't care if they banish me for being gay, ha! Let them! My family are a bunch of psychos anyway. I'm caring if it's really true if I feel this way or not. Do I like the same sex enough to persue a relationship? Yeahhh....her name was Neisha and she was beautiful. Hell, she still is. The flaw in our relationship is that Neisha was a lebsian and soooooo proud of it, and I am not saying that being a lesbian is something not to be proud of, she was just yelling it from the depths of her lungs, and me, of course, eh, I wasn't there yet. It was fun being with her, but after a while, we both became bored. She ended up cheating on me, and I broke up with her, but the difference is that we are still cordial to each other. Whenever I see her, it's still the same: "nice semi-hearty "Hi" and wave". As I am typing this, I am now realizing that I am'll take a very special girl to make me think again.