Thursday, January 22, 2009

Being Friends

This is the story of a girl and her best friend.

Sheena and Gina met weirdly, but they soon became inseparable. They did everything together, and told each other everything, and helped each other through thick and thin. They both loved love and yearned for it. Gina eventually got a boyfriend, and they were all friends. One night, Gina's boyfriend had buzzed Sheena's computer on the IM to talk to her. Sheena accepted and talked to Gina's boyfriend for a while. Sheena is known as a flirter and she unintentionally flirted with Gina's boyfriend. After a while, they stopped talking and went to bed. Sheena's phone rang at 7:30 the next morning and on the other line was a hysterical Gina, accusing Sheena for having cyber sex with Gina's boyfriend and such. Sheena vehemently objected the accusations, but Gina didn't listen. Gina cussed her out and then broke off the friendship. She left Sheena mad, sad, and very confused. Sheena went on the computer and asked Gina's boyfriend what was up and Gina's boyfriend just replied that she needed to stop hitting on him b/c he was taken. Sheena didn't know what to do or say, but all she knew was that Gina's boyfriend was trying to break them up, and if Gina didn't come to her senses, he would be successful. Sheena tried calling her back, but no answer. She went over to Gina's house, but Gina ignored the knocks at the door and the rocks at the window. Sheena then gave up. She went back to her house and tried to forget about her best friend. 4 years down the road, Sheena is with an amazing guy and she's happy, but occasionally she thinks about Gina. Gina turned 21, eloped, and moved to a nearby town. A few weeks into their marriage, they were happy, that is until her now husband, hit her. A slap turned into a punch. A punch turned into bruises on her body, and bruises turned into knife cuts and scars. Gina was suicidal and she had no where else to turn. When she read the paper one morning, and she spilled her coffee from her fractured wrist. There was Sheena and her new husband. Sheena looked great and she looked so happy. Gina cursed herself for being so blinded by love, or what she thought was love. Gina started a extensive search for Sheena behind her husband's back, and after 2 months, found Sheena's address and number. First Gina called her house, and got their answering machine a few times. One night, Sheena picked up, heard Gina's voice, and hung up. Sheena couldn't even see her, let alone talk to her. She went to bed and threw Gina out of her mind. Gina stopped trying to call after a few more times. The beatings got worse and she ended up in the hospital. She lied to the doctors and the nurses saying that she fell in the rocky ditch while she was checking her mail. Lying in the hospital bed, Gina's thoughts turned black as she saw a scalpel on her nightstand. She strained to reach over to grab it, but she did. As Gina squeezed her arm to find the vein, she cried and she wished that she could take it all back. "Don't do that, Gina." Gina looked up and there was Sheena, in long, white, doctor robe and black dress pants. Sheena walked over to Gina's bedside and removed the scalpel from her hand, and held her in her arms. "Sheena, I am so sorry for what happened" "It's okay, I know. I knew from the beginning, but I was so angry with you for brushing me off for him. I even went to Medical School to keep an eye on you." "You did that just for me?" "Well, in your absence, I took a liking to blood and guts." They laughed. Just like old times. After going through the criminal process, divorce, and rehabilitation, Sheena and Gina were best friends again. Gina became a best-selling author, and Sheena also pursued her other love of the law. They both bought a "girls" house in Cape Cod, overlooking the sea. They go there for 3 weeks out of the year, just them two, and chill and enjoy each other's company. "Sheena, this is for our never-ending friendship, through whatever and whenever it gets dark." "Gina, this is for the light that we both have in each other's lives, when it gets dark."


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Six Inches of Snow and 17 years of Frostbite

Hey hey hey....

So today is none other than JANUARY 20TH!!!!!!

Inauguration (oh em geee, that's the first time I spelled that right on the first try!) day!!!

And another Oh em gee for you.....It's a freaking snowstorm here!! six blankets of snow each.....oh boy, the kids are going to want to outside.

Ha! Why am I always right?

So all this morning, I've been wanting to just lay in bed and watch the inauguration. But of course, no. I have to this and that and that and this. Including taking the kids outside to play in the snow.

We actually managed to see the neighbors kids out here too. Mom doesn't like them b/c of the mom and dad. Mom is a little annoying and the dad is pedophile. It's insane, yes I know. But you know, No one can judge correctly but God.

Yes, Pat Robertson and the rest of you Evang-fuck-icals out there (with the exception of Joyce, Creflo, and Paula), only God can judge others. So the next time that you say that Homosexuals need their own Holocaust, how about we get rid of you and the rest of the Tight ass republicans with Gay fetishes, and the world can be a better place. Huh?

Anyway, after being buried under 17 years of snow and frostbite like a PMS-ing BITCH! I came back in the house to watch the swearing in.

Holy mother of me, it was such a touching moment for me. I don't care if he's mixed, black, yellow, or pink....he's not a republican and that's what Lexi likes.....

In fact, REPUBLICANS ARE DEAD! yay, it's about time. Happy that you self-assured asscrats are in the gutter now.

Wow, this post is painfully political......once again, that's the way Lexi likes it!