Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Girl In The Hallway

Listen to this story

A Girl and her best friend were walking in the hallway one day at school. The girl was pretty, but very self conscious about herself, but she was in the process of building herself up back up. To help with that, she wore a pretty wide bonner hat everyday and it became her signature. A group of girls walked by and said mean things about her and her hat. Her friend fired back but she remained quiet. They continued walking down the hallway in silence, when she took off her hat. Her friend told her that to put it back on, but she refused. She sat down in her classroom and thought, when she remembered what another girl had said: "I am prettyful no matter what you think." She then stood up, wiped her tears, brushed herself off and walked out the classroom to her next class. She walked with a newfound strut and people thought to themselves, "That girl is Prettyful, alright."

YAY! I hope you guys like it!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Challenge To Stay Prettyful

All righty, the challenge to stay prettyful.

As a teenage, more than likely the most insecure person you will ever meet at 17 years old, I know that the challenge to stay Prettyful is quite hard. Oh, that is very understandable. For once, I blame the stupid-ass media. It's really messed up that you would actually ruin a young girl's perception on herself JUST because you want them to feel bad enough to buy your product of whatever. I'm tired of having to be a size 2 to be pretty. To be hot, my ass cannot be bigger than my hand or it has to be bigger than a 42 inch computer screen. I mean, can I be medium and still be pretty?! I have to be one extreme or the other. Anyway, that was my little rant. There is a huge challenge to staying prettyful. You have people that will make fun of you just because they want to feel better about themselves. Sadly, it's true, and I know. I have had a few times where I have made fun of someone, and I felt a good power come over me. I wish I could have slapped myself. It was so hypocritic of me to do that. That's why I stopped. I'm not going to lie though, it felt really nice. Ugh, how disgusting do I sound? It's hard. That's why you must think of yourself in the highest sense at ALL times. Even when you just want to beat yourself b/c you THINK that you are ugly and stuff like that. Always know that you are a gem. Just like someone special told me once, always remember that you are a gem and not a hard rock. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be. I have something that some girls that shop in the store "3,5,7" don't have: SUBSTANCE. After all, I wouldn't be Miss Lexiness without my substance and my right and awesome mind.

Smile on that, and think and take what I said to heart.

About Being Prettyful

So, about being prettyful. I guess you would have to start with the definition of "Prettyful".

Let me help:

Prettyful (adj.) - The art of having your own self-confidence. This confidence may run out once in a while, but it is always there. This term is restricted to woman and particualry women of the ages of 10-27. I always see that girl, and she is very prettyful. see BEAUTIFUL and synomyns of such.

Well, that's being prettyful in a nutshell. Having the confidence to be yourself, and sometimes you might care what hater says about you, but remember, they are haters. Do I have to define "HATER" for you now? I hope not. :) Anyway, now on to the challenge of staying prettyful.

Freaking Prettyful


Looking in the mirror, looking at my physique
Whether I be tall and thick or short and sweet
I'm not where I wanna be
But for now, I'm prettyful, no matter what you think

Seeing the girls in the hall everyday
Seeing them watch their weight
See them look, frown, sneer, and say what they wanna say
But get it right, I am prettyful, anyway

You cannot hurt me with your words
It's only strengthening me more and more
I have no time for haters and their petty drama
Cause I am prettyful, and one strong mama

I am here to thrive and survive
On a scale of 1-5, my awesomeness hits a 5
Cause I am prettyful, and you don't need to guess
(whatchu say my name is??) Miss Lexiness.......

September 17th, 2008
by Alexandria Mone't Coburn

Oh, btw, I will be posting the video of this soon!!!