Monday, January 12, 2009

About Being Prettyful

So, about being prettyful. I guess you would have to start with the definition of "Prettyful".

Let me help:

Prettyful (adj.) - The art of having your own self-confidence. This confidence may run out once in a while, but it is always there. This term is restricted to woman and particualry women of the ages of 10-27. I always see that girl, and she is very prettyful. see BEAUTIFUL and synomyns of such.

Well, that's being prettyful in a nutshell. Having the confidence to be yourself, and sometimes you might care what hater says about you, but remember, they are haters. Do I have to define "HATER" for you now? I hope not. :) Anyway, now on to the challenge of staying prettyful.

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