Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ignorance In All It's Beauty [[part 1]]

Today was a pretty okay day. Let me elaborate

It's always interesting to watch ignorance in it's happiest state. On my school bus, the village idiot is on the bus, feeling happy, sitting by the next in a long line of brainless young girls that will fall victim to his smile, aimlessly talking and hitting on the bus driver. I've known this village idiot for a quite a while, his older sister and his younger brother as well. It's mind boggling to watch someone that's about 20 years old as a junior in high school actually happy that it's so. That's why I call him the village idiot. I listened to my morning mix of Anita Baker and Taking Back Sunday on mp3 trying to think about what I have to do today. I know that above all else, I have to concentrate and get work done. Getting off the bus was a struggle this morning. Some black people and shoes, I'll never quite know what the deal is. The village idiot had his shoes out in the aisle and would not move them as people was trying get by. A touch of my anger came down as I was wanted to take his shoes off and throw them in a puddle of mud, just to get through his non-talking head that his shoes are not as important as courtesy for others. How would you like it if I put my huge thigh in the aisle with only a sliver of space to go through?

Speaking of struggles, Latin class. If you are really good in English, Latin is going to be a little trying for you. As it is with me. Add to the stress that you have to understand this material.....fellow classmates. The majority of my classmates in Latin are deliciously preppy and conservative. My complete opposite. I am outspoken, real, and liberal with morals that are fair to people not religion. This past election has came up in my class so many times. The ignorance that comes out of their mouths are very laughable sometimes. Yesterday however, it came to it's breaking point. I won't say exactly what happened, but I know that politics won't be coming up anytime soon in our class. Thank goodness, cause it's becoming too much. Whiners about politics are the most repulsive mainly b/c if they so strongly wanted it to be this way, they should have been out campaigning for that person/and or party. I did, and what I wanted to happen came true. So, please stop whining. There is nothing you can do about it now. Just wait for another year, and when you get all your precious money back, you can finally shut. up. I did, however, take the pledge of allegiance today. I'm doing so b/c I am proud of my country again. I did see however, a lot of the McCain supporters unnaturally lazy these last two days. Hmmm.............

The leaves of change always picks everyone up, but always leaves someone behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The McCain supporters all tried to kill themselves on south park...
I wish that would happen in real life... only to those who won't shut up about it.
You have 4 years to get used to it. Shut up. Seriously, there are no do-overs, this is it.
As for the pledge I never say it, despite how much i truly love this country. Every time I stand up to do it makes me feel like I'm saluting to a dictator. Like Hitler is at the front of the class. I don't like the "under god" part either. You may think that's because I'm an atheist. But really, it's not. There are so many cultures here it's just not right to make people say that. When I do pledge I say Under Dog. Anyhow, I love you SO MUCH YOU AWESOME BI-ATCH! I love reading these.
[ps...He IS an idiot if he's 20 a junior, and happy about it...more so RETARDED.]