Friday, November 7, 2008

Irony and My New Phone

Ah, today I'm going to simulate your minds with talk about phones.

I'm a 17 year old female teenager and I talk on the phone, text and type. Surprised? You shouldn't be. Stereotypical? In most cases. To only little white girls that live in big houses? No. I talk on the phone like I'm a addict to communication. I don't know why, I'm just a talkative person. I always have been. I would be the most popular girl in school, if it wasn't for my size and my low self-esteem. Now, you might be saying, "big girls are popular too!" Uhm. That's rarely actually true. In all truth, no overweight girl is happy with their size. They are not! I'm sorry but that's the truth. Any heavy-set girl that actually tells you with a smile that they are happy, is telling a lie. Oh, believe me, I wish they were telling the truth. That would give me immense hope. But, things aren't so. Society today and for quite a while has looked down on heavy children as outcasts in a sense. We can't necessarily run, climb a rope, dance, look forward to gym, sit in class and not expect the snickering and eyes aimlessly pointing at you to not be about you, ride the bus comfortably, and be social. Many people that are thin don't even have the smallest fathom of how school is like for overweight kids. Teachers will try to understand, principals will try to make you feel better, but unless you were at one point and time or still are a big girl, or even a big boy, you can never really understand the immense package that it comes with. People are cruel. They always were, are, and will be. You have to pick out the people that can give a big dump about your size; the people that love you for YOU. Like, for example, my best friend Kimmie, whose blog is also on here, she could careless about my weight. We don't talk about it cause it's not a issue. That's a true friend. People, teenagers in particular, have to realize that there is a big difference between a friend and someone that you know. In high school, a friend will sit beside you all the time during lunch. It's the person that you are always seen with. That person that when we are all walking in the huge conglomerate in the hallway, that you instantly run to catch up with, or break the smooth flow with a hug and a squeal that going to piss off somebody that doesn't have friends, and that person who you will do something crazy with, and remember for quite a while. A person that you know is someone that you sit beside one day, don't or hardly talk to, and if you pass them in the hallway, you more than likely don't say anything too. I have more people that I know than friends. And actually that's okay! My friends are amazing and I love them to death. The people that I know, they are nice to be around, but we don't talk outside of school. Friends and popularity are not measured by how many people are on your myspace and facebook, it's measured on who is going to comfort you when you are feeling sad or when you need a shoulder.

Anyway, so now I have a new cell phone and it's amazing but also so begins the inevitable -do I really want to give you my number??- phase. Gah, it's sickening but it's customary. I'll tell you all about it as soon as it's over with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey....I'm Kimmie. That's me....OMG
On a serious note, I've been meaning to read this for some time. Here's the proof I did. =) I loved it. You are very profound you...profound person you! =D Hardly ever can I read a blog [OF ALL THINGS XD] and take it in such a manner. I love your writing.
Hmm....About that cell phone phase...never had one.
I just give my friends my number. Yeah, MY FRIENDS, not just people I know. Veronika does NOT have my number for example. Nazli does. For example of course...not just an excuse to bring up the fact I do not consider Veronika a friend anymore...*cough*...*cough*
